Sunday, October 22, 2006


This is my kitty. He is very handsome for female cats, I suppouse :)). What do you think?


M- Filer said...

Very pretty! I love Cats. I have two: One of them is a boy I call Lola.

Anonymous said...

Mmm...Very nice cat!:)

Olga B. said...

I also have two cats )). You've seen the boy. His name is "Lis" in Russian. In English it means "Fox". I don't know, why fox. My relatives gave him such name.

Olga B. said...

He is an aristocrat 8).

you are amazing said...

A very beautiful cat!

I wish for your life to be blessed with a miracle. Anything is possible. magical experiences are your birth right. Live the greatness of your most amazing dreams.

Blessings to you.