Monday, October 23, 2006

A village of precisely 100 people

"If we could reduce the world’s population to a village of precisely 100 people..." - visit
Fanny facts.
I'm not sure that this variant has good English. I've read it in Russian.


Irina A. said...

Dear Olga,

can you advice how I can live a comment to Madonna?

Thank you.

Olga B. said...

Hi, Irina.
You just need to enter her personal blog - you may do it right from my blog, see below - and write a comment in one of her posts, as you did here, in my blog.
There is no gaurantee that she will read it. But who knows...
You wanted to know this?
In fact, this is the one familiar way to me. I don't know her e-mail.
Best regards,

Irina A. said...

No, honey! I can't.
I have this:
Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author.

Anonymous said...

I want to tell you that I collect feelings and thoughts about Madonna on CROSS...
So if you want to help then visit my blog.
(Stand For MADONNA!!!)
