Monday, November 06, 2006

Reading the face

There is an opinion that our face can tell a lot about our character, our hobbies, our main qualities, our purpouses and so on. Do you believe in it? Do you agree that everything about us depicts in our face?

I think that it is possible to see some of person's characteristics. But not all of them.

There is another opinion that our eyes depict our soul. But what is a soul? What elements it contains? Whether somebody can explain the main understanding of a soul?

More likely it is up to everybody to decide what elements a soul includes, what our eyes depict, what can be read in our faces.

Best wishes to all readers,


1 comment:

Kitty Laverne said...

Hello Olga! Just a note to say I found your blog through Madonna's Thoughts and I enjoyed reading your writing. I especially liked the kitty photos!

Firefighters save a lot of cats and dogs, when they are able to. It's tricky because in a fire pets tend to hide, but when they are successful, it's the sweetest thing. I have even seen emergency medical technicians administering oxygen to animals using masks intended for children.

Keep blogging, cutie!